Prof. Dr. Carlos Gelormini-Lezama on encapsulation, its characteristics and why research into it is important (video in Spanish)
Celia Hernández Pérez on the last experiment (see Revista Signos) and the dual approach from a cognitive and experimental perspective (video in Spanish)
Mathis Teucher on the main results of the last experiment (see Revista Signos) and the different processing patterns of encapsulation and coreference (video in Spanish)

Research questions:

Current Researchers

Funded Projects

Doctoral fellowship awarded to Celia Hernández Pérez within the HCIAS Doctoral Research Group. Funded by the program Langesgraduiertenförderung of Baden-Württemberg (2022-2025).

Proyecto REDESWritten Discourse and Cognition: Processing and comprehension of verbal and multimodal texts. Cooperation with the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Funded by the Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID) of Chile (2020-2022).