Communication and Cognition
In this cluster of projects, communication is studied from a pragmatic perspective. We observe how different language mechanisms interact with contextual factors in discourse.
Among theoretical, descriptive, and applied studies, the experimental methodology is predominant in our research, since it allows for direct and indirect observations of the cognitive processes during communication.
The conducted experimental studies focus on different textual phenomena, such as the informative structure of discourse, argumentative structures, multimodal elements, discursive coherence, and continuity; on mechanisms and operations that imply the projection of the speaker in communication, such as modality; and on mechanisms and operations that involve interpersonal relationships or interactional behavior.
On June 20, the results of the eye-tracking study on “The processing of pragmatically marked utterances in speakers with sickle cell disease” were presented at the VII International Conference on Clinical Linguistics (CILC2024). The project was conducted by HCIAS researchers Adriana Cruz & Mathis Teucher and PhD student Linier Escobar from the University of Panama.
From the 16 to the 18 of May, HCIAS PhD student Celia Hernández Pérez participated in the 37th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing held at the University of Michigan with the presentation of the poster “The processing of anaphoric encapsulation versus coreference in Spanish: An experimental approach with eye-tracking”.
New publication “Los estudios sobre la encapsulación en español” in the special issue by Óscar Loureda & Carlos Gelormini, in collaboration with Dámaso Izquierdo, Cristóbal Julio, Celia Hernández, Mathis Teucher & Adriana Cruz.
New book chapter “Adjustment, Mismatches and Accomodation of Procedural and Conceptual Meaning. Experimental Evidence around Connectives” by Inés Recio, Óscar Loureda & Adriana Cruz.